Tue, 9 September 2008

A panel discussion with podcasters about their thoughts on what the future holds for portable media, and ideas for continuing to innovate our programs and our community. Panelists include: George Hrab, Soccergirl, Evo Terra and J.C. Hutchins.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Hosted by Dave Hitt, the Podcast Peer Awards are awarded to podcasters as voted upon by their peers.
Mon, 8 September 2008

A panel discussion focusing on why we continue to be podcasters, and how we can continue to foster community in the face of a changing new media world. Panel discussion led by Dave Slusher, participants include: Evo Terra, Christiana Ellis, Tee Morris, Michael A. Stackpole.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join a jam packed panel of podcasting authors discuss what it's like to to podcast about the subject nearest and dearest to them. Panelists include: J.C. Hutchins, Tee Morris, Mur Lafferty, PG Holyfield, Phillipa Ballantine, Michael A. Stackpole and guest appearance by Scott Sigler.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join the cast of The 'Scapecast, your podcast source for all things Farscape as they discuss with their listeners the upcoming Farscape webisodes and much more.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join the crew of the award winning The Signal podcast, with special guests from The 'Verse! Panelists include: Kevin Bachelder, Kari Haley, Miranda Thomas, Carolyn Parkinson.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Dr. Ginger Campbell and her special guests discuss advances in MRI technology and the various ongoing studies to utilize MRI in new ways.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join Brian, Crispy, Stephen and Patrick for a wild and rowdy version of their popular podcast, and discussion from behind the scenes of Dragon*Con TV.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Learn how the tips of podcasting your fandom, and how to avoid going all "fanboy" when interviewing your favorite people. Panelists include: Kevin Bachelder, Tabz and Emma from Buffy Between the Lines.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Learn how to adapt your written work into a podcast or podiobook from a slate of award winning authors. Panelists include: J.C. Hutchins, Tee Morris, Seth Harwood, Christiana Ellis and Michael A. Stackpole.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Irreverent, witty and never predictable, Soccergirl held the live crowd at Dragon*Con 2008 in the palm of her hand.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Skeptic and musician George Hrab brings his Geologic podcast to Dragon*Con 200 to perform before a standing room only audience.
Mon, 8 September 2008

The always amazing Astronomy Cast with host Dr. Pamela Gay and special guests Dr. Kevin Grazier and Dr. Phil Plait, Live from Dragon*Con 2008!
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join the cast of the award winning Buffy Between The Lines Podcast as they perform live at Dragon*Con 2008 to a standing room only crowd.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Discuss topics like "Fair Use" and Creative Commons and how they pertain to your podcast. Panelists include: Thomas Gideon, Randy Chertkow, Jason Feehan.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Round table discussion between some of the pioneering science podcasters. Panelists include: Dr. Steven Novella, Dr. Ginger Campbell, Dr. Pamela Gay, D.J. Grothe, Richard Saunders and Derek Colanduno.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join Mur Lafferty for the 100th episode of the I Should Be Writing podcast, Live from Dragon*Con 2008.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Join Dave Slusher and his special guest Mur Lafferty for an episode of Reality Break, Live from Dragon*Con 2008.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Meet the dedicated gamers that bring their gaming passion to podcasting. Panelists include: Trick Jarrett, Sam Chupp, Jack Jaffee.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Cunning Minx of the Polyamory Weekly Podcast talks about how your personal passion can help build a community around your podcast.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Podcasters from around the world join together to talk about podcasting in the global community. Panelists include: Tee Morris, Richard Saunders, Phillipa Ballantine, Kinsey Swartz, Kurt Armbruster.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Podcasting as a powerful tool for promoting your product or your passion. Panelists include: Tee Morris, Evo Terra, KimiDreams, Marc Gunn, Kevin Bachelder, Christiana Ellis.
Mon, 8 September 2008

Learn from the experts, the ins and outs of videocasting/vlogging/vodcasting. Panelists include: Tee Morris, Richard Saunders, Rev Chumley, Richard Aultman.
Mon, 8 September 2008

The kick off panel for the Podcasting: Now and Beyond fan track at Dragon*Con 2008. Panelists include: The Brobdingnagian Bards, Evo Terra, Tee Morris, Mur Lafferty and Scott Sigler.
Thu, 28 August 2008
Direct download: daily_dragon08_thursday.mp3
Category: dailydragon
-- posted at: 4:42am EST
Thu, 21 August 2008

Derek and Kevin go over last minute news and notes before you all come down to Dragon*Con 2008!
Direct download: Dragon-Pod-Ep5.mp3
Category: Dragon-Pod
-- posted at: 7:53pm EST
Sun, 10 August 2008

Our third bonus episode this one from the gang at What the Cast (http://www.whatthecast.com) where they discussed their experience at Dragon*Con 2007.
Direct download: WhatCast_EP015_091207.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:35pm EST
Fri, 1 August 2008

In this episode Derek and Kevin update everyone on all the news that
has come about since they talked to you last. Followed by an interview
with Brian Richardson, the man behind Dragon*Con TV.
Remember to keep a look out on dragoncon.org for the download of the Pocket Program to pre-plan your events for this year!
Direct download: DragonPod-Ep4b.mp3
Category: Dragon-Pod
-- posted at: 11:18am EST
Tue, 8 July 2008

Our second bonus episode this time from well known
author/podcaster Tee Morris (http://www.teemorris.com). Tee's got all kinds of info on how to have the best Dragon*Con experience.
Direct download: SGWF-REPEAT-DragonCon.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:33pm EST
Wed, 25 June 2008

Our first bonus episode to share was done in 2006 by well known author/podcaster Mur Lafferty (http://www.murverse.com). Mur shares some excellent tips on how to have the best Dragon*Con experience.
Direct download: geekfu_show079_060820.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:04pm EST
Tue, 17 June 2008

In this episode we discuss the current hotel situation, as well as announce upcoming bonus material that will be coming down this feed in the upcoming few weeks. The con is now FAR less than 80 days away!
Direct download: DragonPod-Ep3.mp3
Category: Dragon-Pod
-- posted at: 5:27pm EST
Sun, 13 April 2008

Dragon*Pod is back with more information and a great interview with Wayne Hutchinson, the Director of the Whedon Universe Track! Go Browncoats!
Direct download: DragonPod-Ep2b.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:13am EST
Sun, 16 March 2008

Our first episode is a brief introduction to the new official Dragon*Con podcast. In this episode we go right to the top with an interview between Swoopy and Pat Henry, the Chairman, and man who makes Dragon*Con happen.
Show Notes
- Intro Date/Time
- Music by George Hrab ?Ockham’s Shaving Kit?
- Derek and Kevin introduce themselves and the show
- Interview with Pat Henry, the Chairman of Dragon*Con
- When did Pat realize he was a big nerd?
- Pat’s favorite comics.
- How did Dragon*Con start?
- The convention continues to grow to a new hotel this year.
- We should be good until 2011.
- You still have time to apply as a guest.
- Promo for Balticon Podcast.
- Derek and Kevin tell you the scoop.
- George Hrab closes the show.
Direct download: DragonPod_Episode_1.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:08pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

The promo audio advertisement for Podcasting at Dragon*Con 2007!
Direct download: DC_2007_Promo.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:38pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

Winging It 3-D at Dragon*Con 2007 LIVE!
Direct download: DC_winginIt.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:12pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A round table discussion on the best ways to use your own video in podcasting, and the tips and tricks to become successful doing it!
Direct download: DC_videocasting.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:05pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

The hit podcast, 'The Signal', does their amazing podcast live in front of the audience at Dragon*Con 2007!
Direct download: DC_signal_live.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:03pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A panel discussion on how to use a podcast to distribute your writing and gain more fans and readers.
Direct download: DC_podcasting_writing.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:01pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A round table panel of podcasters from around the world, and the issues when podcasting for audiences which are multi national or from many other places in the world.
Direct download: DC_Podcasting_UN.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 3:00pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A panel on the use of Podcasting to promote and also how to promote your own content, show or other artwork, show or work.
Direct download: DC_podcastforpromotion.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:57pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A round table discussion on where Podcasting is going, and what some of the experts think is the next 'big thing'.
Direct download: DC_into_future.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:55pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

George Hrab records his Geologic Podcast LIVE at Dragon*Con 2007!
Direct download: DC_George_Hrab_Live.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:54pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A discussion with podcasters who are focused on games and gaming.
Direct download: DC_gaming.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:53pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A discussion about podcasts which are for fans and are enhanced by the fan community.
Direct download: DC_fancasting.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:51pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A panel discussion on the basics of Podcasting and how to tips and tricks to get you started.
Direct download: DC_dragon_pod101.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:48pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

The Adventures of Dr. Floyd come to Dragon*Con LIVE in 2007!
Direct download: DC_dr_floyd.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:46pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A roundtable panel about the issues and legal situation when using Creative Commons.
Direct download: DC_creativecommons.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:45pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

A round table panel with teachers about how they use podcasting in the classroom and how you CAN use it to enhance learning.
Direct download: DC_classroom.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:42pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

Astronomy Cast LIVE with Dr. Pamela Gay and Kevin Graser at Dragon*Con 2007!
Direct download: DC_astronomy_cast.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:41pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

Aliens you will meet comes live to Dragon*Con in 2007! Too bad you can't see the cool puppets in the audio! :)
Direct download: DC_AliensYouWillMeet.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:39pm EST
Thu, 14 February 2008

Rob is LIVE at Dragon*Con 2007 with George Hrab and Brother Love.
Direct download: DC_411_Live.mp3
Category: 2007
-- posted at: 2:29pm EST